Release date: July 18, 2024 *Limited to one item per person. Please refrain from purchasing multiple items. Orders purchased by yourself or with multiple purchases under the same address or contact information may be cancelled. In that case, even if you make a payment, the customer will be responsible for the fees. In addition, if we determine that the product is for resale purposes, we will cancel your order. Thank you for your understanding. *Bonuses not specifically mentioned cannot be included. ■Product name: Powerful Professional Baseball 2024-2025 [Switch] ■Manufacturer: Konami ■Genre: Baseball/Training ■Compatible models: Nintendo Switch ■Model number: HAC-P-BD3MA 30th anniversary work for the Power Pro series Power Pro's 30th year fan appreciation festival! Here are unforgettable memories of Power Pro and Professional Baseball at that time. All the bosses are back! Power Festival Adventure This time's "Power Festival" is an adventure tour around Scow Island! Gather your friends and challenge the Demon King Sattan! We'll also be playing against the characters from all over the KONAMI titles, the KONAMI Dream Stars! A showdown to challenge the legendary alumni! He raises his ability ratings and trains players by playing serious battles with all the legendary alumni from the past at-bats in one serious way! Ambassador for this film and baseball superstar Otani Shohei also appears as a strong opponent! ! New scenario "Powerful Futures" is a success time travelling back in the future! To return to your original era, aim to win the future professional baseball league! New commands also appear! Become the coach of the Eikan Nine Elementary and High School Baseball Club and create a regular Koshien school! Approved by the Japan Baseball Organization, General Incorporated Association Konami Digital Entertainment/WBCI (C) 2024 SAMURAI JAPAN Japan Professional Baseball Name Ball Association Officially certified by the Japan Professional Baseball Alumni Club Officially certified by the Japan Professional Baseball Foreign Alumni Alumni Association Officially certified by the Professional Baseball Franchise Stadium The signs in the stadium reproduced in the game are generally produced based on data from the official 2023 professional baseball games. Data is collected independently by Japan Baseball Data Co., Ltd. and may differ from official records. Regardless of the means of information provided, it is strictly prohibited to reproduce, transfer, sell, etc. for any purpose without permission. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license.The Nintendo Switch logo and the Nintendo Switch are trademarks of Nintendo. "PlayStation" and "PS4" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. cKonami Digital Entertainment *Images are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Specifications and appearance listed may be changed without notice. Please check the manufacturer's official website for the latest information.
発売日:2024年7月18日※ お一人様につき、1個限りとさせて頂きます。 複数のご購入はご遠慮ください。お一人で、もしくは別名でも同一住所や同一連絡先等で複数ご購入されたご注文はキャンセルさせて頂く場合がございます。その際はご入金されても、手数料お客様負担で返金となります。また、弊社にて転売目的と判断させて頂いた場合もご注文をキャンセルさせて頂きます。予めご了承ください。※特に記載の無い特典等はお付けできません。■商品名:パワフルプロ野球2024-2025 【Switch】■メーカー:コナミ■ジャンル:野球・育成■対応機種:Nintendo Switch■型番:HAC-P-BD3MA『パワプロ』シリーズ30周年記念作品パワプロ30年のファン感謝祭!あの時のパワプロ、あの時のプロ野球、忘れられない思い出がここにある。歴代ボスも復活!パワフェスアドベンチャー今回の「パワフェス」はスカウ島を巡るアドベンチャー!仲間を集めて魔王サッたんに挑戦しよう!KONAMI歴代タイトルのキャラクターたち、KONAMIドリームスターズとも対戦だ!伝説のOBに挑戦 対決!レジェンドバトル歴代のレジェンドOBらと1打席の真剣勝負をしながら能力値を上げ、選手を育成!本作のアンバサダーで球界のスーパースター・大谷翔平選手も強敵として登場!!新シナリオ「パワフルフューチャーズ」サクセスタイムスリップして未来の世界へ!元の時代へ帰るため、未来のプロ野球リーグで優勝を目指そう!新コマンドも登場! 栄冠ナイン小高校野球部の監督となって甲子園常連校を作り上げよう!一般社団法人日本野球機構承認 Konami Digital Entertainment/WBCI (C)2024 SAMURAI JAPAN日本プロ野球名球会公認 日本プロ野球OBクラブ公認 日本プロ野球外国人OB 選手会公認プロ野球フランチャイズ球場公認 ゲーム内に再現された球場内看板は、原則として2023 年度プロ野球公式戦のデータを基に制作しています。 データは、Japan Baseball Data(株) が独自に収集したものであり、公式記録とは異なる場合があります。 提供情報の手段を問わず、いかなる目的であれ無断で複製、転送、販売等を行う事を固く禁じます。All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license.Nintendo Switch のロゴ、Nintendo Switch は任天堂の商標です。"PlayStation"および"PS4"は株式会社ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメントの登録商標または商標です。 cKonami Digital Entertainment※画像はイメージです予告なく変更される場合がございます。 記載の仕様及び外観等は予告なく変更される場合がございます。最新情報はメーカー公式サイト等でご確認ください。