[Extremely Good Condition] Uniqlo Luxury Functional Seamless Down Parka 3D Cut Water Repellent Lightweight Black Business Sports Online Exclusive Popular
- Durable water repellent function to repel rainwater.
- Windproof and lightweight.
- Lamination on the back side of the outer fabric.
- Adopts 3D cutting, and the armpit and back parts are made into one piece up to the cuffs, giving it a three-dimensional feel and making it easy to move your arms.
- Adopts a set-in sleeve for a smart and clean look while maintaining the 3D cutting function.
- We have selected matte and clean materials that can be used not only for sports but also for everyday use.
- Seamless design with no quilt stitching, keeping you warm and prevents wind from entering.
- The bag inside the waist pocket is made of fleece material, so it's warm.
- To improve the fit, the wrist ribs are knitted using a seamless circular knitting machine to prevent wind from entering.
- A cushion collar is attached to the inside of the hood and around the neckline to keep your neck warm.
- Even if you open the front zipper and wear it, the hood stands up, preventing cold air from getting in from your neck.
- In response to customer feedback, we changed the 3D cutting method and significantly improved the silhouette around the shoulders.
- While maintaining ease of movement, the split raglan sleeves create a sleek silhouette.
- Seamless down that prevents wind from passing through and keeps you warm, looks neat and doesn't get bulky.
XXL size ()
●Length: 77cm
●Shoulder width: 50cm
●Width: 71cm
●Sleeve length: 92.5cm
Please note that there may be some errors due to amateur measurements. (Measured flat)
Outer material: 100% polyester
Filling body: 90% down
Feather 10%
Hood edge: 100% polyester
Lining: 100% polyester
Cuffs: 93% polyester
7% polyurethane
◾️ Purchased from
Large brand reuse store,
Or unnecessary items at home.
□It will be stored at home for a while, so please consider this if you are nervous.
□ Immediate purchase is welcome!
Please note that even if negotiations are ongoing, priority will be given to those who purchase immediately.
□ About USED products
As I am an amateur, there may be small oversights during inspection. We hope you understand this before purchasing.
All products are here → Room #B
【極美品】ユニクロ 高級感 機能系 シームレスダウンパーカ 3Dカット 撥水 軽量 黒 ブラック ビジネス スポーツ オンライン限定品 人気
- 雨水をはじく耐久撥水機能付き。
- 防風、軽量仕様。
- 表地の裏側にラミネーション加工。
- 3Dカッティングを採用し、脇と背中のパーツがそれぞれ袖口まで1枚になっているので、立体的で腕が動かしやすい。
- 3Dカッティングの機能はそのままに、スマートですっきりした見え方になるセットインスリーブを採用。
- スポーツだけでなく、普段使いもできるマットでクリーンな素材を選定。
- キルトステッチのないシームレス仕様だから、風が入りにくく暖かい。
- 腰ポケット内側の袋布はフリース素材なので暖かい。
- フィット感を向上させるため、風の侵入を防ぐ手首のリブは縫い目のない丸編み機で編まれたものを採用。
- フードの内側、襟ぐりにクッション襟を付けることで首まわりも暖かい。
- 前ファスナーを開けて着てもフードが立ち上がるので、首元から冷たい空気が入りにくい。
- お客様の声にお応えして、3Dカッティングの方法を変更し、肩まわりのシルエットを大幅に改善。
- 動きやすさはキープしつつ、スプリットラグランスリーブにすることですっきり見えるシルエットに。
- シームレス仕様で風を通しにくくて暖かく、見た目もすっきりとして着ぶくれしにくいダウン。
表地: 100% ポリエステル
中わた 本体: ダウン90%
フード縁部分: ポリエステル100%
裏地: ポリエステル100%
袖口部分: ポリエステル93%
◾️ 購入元
□ 即購入、歓迎です!
□ USED品について