Release date: November 17, 2023 *Limited to one item per person. Please refrain from purchasing multiple items. Orders purchased by yourself or with multiple purchases under the same address or contact information may be cancelled. In that case, even if you make a payment, the customer will be responsible for the fees. In addition, if we determine that the product is for resale purposes, we will cancel your order. Thank you for your understanding. *Bonuses not specifically mentioned cannot be included. ■Product name: Persona 5 Tactica Nintendo Switch ■Manufacturer: Atlas ■Genre: Simulation RPG ■Compatible models: Nintendo Switch ■Model number: HAC-P-A97TA Light a flame in your heart - The revolutionary drama begins! ! The latest installment in the Persona 5 series! While retaining the charm of battles such as 1more and full-scale attack, it is now available as a simulation RPG where you can work with friends with your teammates! The members of the Phantom Thieves of the Heart are relaxing at the cafe LeBlanc as they are about to graduate. However, suddenly, the usual LeBlanc door radiates a suspicious light. The Jokers and the others who have lost their way into a mysterious other world were saved by a mysterious girl who calls themselves "Revolutionary El" - who is the true identity of "Revolutionary El" who shares their actions...? What is the "cooperation in the revolution" deal she proposes...? Watch the revolutionary drama in which the Phantom Thieves run through! Show off with the tactics of a three-person team! A new battle system! This is the first simulation RPG in the Persona series, and three members of the main characters (Joker) and the Phantom Thieves of the Heart, and the new character El, form a party! The relationship between the enemy and allies and the collaboration between the three of them is a crucial battle! Make your style with brilliant tactics! A new full-scale attack by the Phantom Thieves in the Heart: "TRIBANGLE"! Even with the new battle system, the unique features of Persona 5 battles remain the same! There are also "1MORE" that allows you to summon "Persona" and "Full Attack" that allows you to take down the enemy and take action again, and of course, the familiar "Full Attack" series. Three team members will "surround" the enemy you've been defeated and "TRIBANGLE" will GO! An all-out attack activates and great damage! Come and fold it all up! What is Persona 5? This Picaresque juvenile RPG is loved by many people for its thief who lives in the middle of the day and in the evening, a double life of a "spirited thief who steals his heart" and is loved by many for its exciting world-changing drama that transforms bad adults. Works such as "Persona 5: The Royal," which has been significantly boosted with new characters and a new story for the third semester, and "Persona 5: Scramble the Phantom Strikers," the first action RPG in the series, have been born, and the series' total sales of 9 million copies worldwide. (c)ATLUS (c)SEGA All rights reserved. *Images are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change without notice. The specifications and appearance listed may be changed without notice. Please check the manufacturer's official website for the latest information.
発売日:2023年11月17日※ お一人様につき、1個限りとさせて頂きます。 複数のご購入はご遠慮ください。お一人で、もしくは別名でも同一住所や同一連絡先等で複数ご購入されたご注文はキャンセルさせて頂く場合がございます。その際はご入金されても、手数料お客様負担で返金となります。また、弊社にて転売目的と判断させて頂いた場合もご注文をキャンセルさせて頂きます。予めご了承ください。※特に記載の無い特典等はお付けできません。■商品名:ペルソナ5 タクティカ Nintendo Switch■メーカー:アトラス■ジャンル:シミュレーションRPG■対応機種:Nintendo Switch■型番:HAC-P-A97TAその心に焔を灯せ 革命劇、開幕!!『ペルソナ5』シリーズ最新作!1moreや総攻撃などバトルの魅力はそのままに、仲間との連携が気持ちいいシミュレーションRPGで登場!卒業式間近、喫茶店ルブランでくつろぐ「心の怪盗団」メンバー。しかし、突然おおきな揺れと共にいつものルブランの扉が怪しい光を放つ。不可思議な異世界に迷い込んでしまったジョーカーたちを救ったのは「革命家エル」を名乗る謎の少女だった——行動を共にする「革命家エル」の正体とは…? 彼女が持ちかける「革命への協力」の取引とは…? 怪盗団が駆け抜ける革命劇をご覧あれ! 3人チームの戦術で魅せろ!新たなバトルシステム!ペルソナシリーズ初のシミュレーションRPGとなる本作は、主人公(ジョーカー)たち心の怪盗団のメンバーと新キャラクターのエルの中から3人でパーティーを編成!敵と味方の位置関係や、3人での連携がバトルのキモ!華麗な戦術でスタイリッシュにキメろ! 心の怪盗団の新たな総攻撃「TRIBANGLE」!新しいバトルシステムになっても『ペルソナ5』のバトルの持ち味はそのまま!「ペルソナ」を召喚しての攻撃や、敵のダウンを取ってもう一度行動できる「1MORE」、そしてもちろんシリーズお馴染みの「総攻撃」も。ダウンさせた敵を、チームメンバー3人で“囲む”と「TRIBANGLE」 GO!総攻撃が発動して、大ダメージ!一気に畳みかけろ! 『ペルソナ5』とは?昼は学生、夜は「心を盗む怪盗」の二重生活で、悪いオトナを改心させる痛快な世直し劇が多くの方に愛されたピカレスク・ジュヴナイルRPG。新キャラクターの追加、3学期の新たな物語など大幅にパワーアップした『ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル』や、シリーズ初のアクションRPG『ペルソナ5 スクランブル ザ ファントム ストライカーズ』などの作品が誕生し、シリーズ全世界累計900万本のセールスを突破。(c)ATLUS (c)SEGA All rights reserved.※画像はイメージです予告なく変更される場合がございます。 記載の仕様及び外観等は予告なく変更される場合がございます。最新情報はメーカー公式サイト等でご確認ください。