[rakutentera] Related products Monpe Monpe Muji (Plain) Basic Monpe Monpe Stripe...Monpe Monpe GapStriped Stripe Basic Monpe...Monpe Monpe Cross Pattarn (Cross Pattern) Monpe mo...Monpe Monpe GapStriped Stripe Thick Stripe Thick...13,310 yen14,520 yen15,730 yen16,940 yenMonpe Monpe Bamboo Stripe Monpe...Monpe Monpe Stretch MIYATA ITA (Plate Dye Stretch...Monpe Monpe Stiich Stitch Monpe Monpe Pants Pajamas Loungewear Women's Women's Pajamas I wanted...16,940 yen16,940 yen16,940 yen3,245 yenFan Fan Fan Rose Scallop Fan Bag Set Bag Bag included...Women's Tops Cool Pullover Tulle Neck Paiseri...Bolero All Lace Lace Black Formal Elegant Stylish...Women's Tops Cool Pullover Tulle Neck Paiseri...4,840 yen4,334 yen3,267 yen4,334 yenLadies Tops Cool Pullover Tulle Neck Paiseri...Summer Cool Trousers Relaxed Cotton Women's All Rubber Beautiful Leg Effect Cute...Women's Pants Trousers Warm Cold Protection Fleece Lined Blanket Stylish Black...Ladies Leggings Pants Easy Stretch Leggings Pants 7/4...4,334 yen3,920 yen3,245 yen3,028 yen This is a modern style monpe made from Kurume Kasuri. Made with a "modern style monpe pattern" developed in eel beds. The fabric is Kurume Kasuri, produced in Yame, Hirokawa. It is comfortable to wear, and the more you use it, it becomes more comfortable to wear. When you hear the word "monpe", you may imagine an agricultural workwear with a loose waist, but it is easier to wear, making the waist neater and slimmer than the existing Monpe. Of course, it is also suitable as agricultural workwear. It is absorbent and dries quickly, making it especially useful in the summer! It comes with a waist string and elastic hem, so it can be adjusted. "About Kurume Kasuri" Kurume Kasuri is a traditional craft that has developed mainly in Kurume, Yame, Hirokawa, and Chikugo. The patterns that allow you to tie, dye, and spin the warp and weft are available in a wide range of styles, from classic to modern. Each workshop has its own unique characteristics, and there are many different fields of technology and expertise, from indigo-dyed hand-woven to mechanical weaving chemical dye dyeing. This monpe is made from a workshop that uses mechanical weaving and chemical dye dyes. There are two reasons. 1. Indigo-dyed and hand-woven Kurume Kasuri have a good color and feel to the touch, and the texture increases as you use it, but the drawback is that the price becomes too high when tailored to a monpe. Although it is not as comfortable as hand-woven, we use chemical-dyed and machine-woven fabrics to reduce costs and make them enjoyable as everyday wear. 2. Chemical dyes are characterized by the ability to create a variety of colors. The fabrics are made of a wide variety of colors and patterns that cannot be produced using indigo alone, making them easy to match with clothes and easy to incorporate into modern fashion. [Note] Products on sale include items ordered from the manufacturer, so delivery may not be possible due to delays in delivery or sold out. Please check the email we will send you later. Product name: Monpe Muji Thick (Plain) Thick Product code: 337100008 Seasonal keywords: Plain Muji Muji No patterned patterned standard Thick thick Strong durability Long lasting Eel bed Kurume kasuri Zubon Kurume Recommended Stylish Stylish Men's Women's Men's Women's Everyday wear Travel Black Gray Navy Blue Beige Mountaineering Hiking Travel Kurume Kasuri Kurume Gasuri Roomwear Made in Japan Easy Easy Touch Comfortable Loose Gift Present Present Celebration Birthday Present Father's Day Mother's Day Respect for the Aged Day Grandma Agriculture Home Garden Garden Garden Work Garden Work DIY Yame City Yame Kurume Kurume City Eel Eel Bed
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