Size: Women's Free Color: LV-Lavender, PI-Pink, BU-Blue, LGY-Light Gray Material: 65% Nylon, 35% polyester Specifications: Length: Approx. 64cm * Manufacturer's website dimensions Related words: 250210 Roomwear, loungewear, women's, adults, long sleeves, tops, jackets, parka, hoodie, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, cute, cute, adult cute, stylish, striped pattern, gift, present, brand, popular, spring, autumn, winter, Valentine's Day, White Day, ge_ld Evidence Manufacturer's suggested retail price is based on the manufacturer's product tag ⇒ Evidence image is here Gelato Pique Smooth 2 Border Hair Band Gelato Pique Gelato Pique Women's Smooth 2 border shorts Gelato Pique pajamas Louwear gelato pique gelato pique women's smooth 2 border long pants Gelato Pique pajamas loungewear gelato pique gelato pique women's gelato random border parka gelato pique pajamas loungewear gelato pique gelato pique women's gelato 3 border parka gelato pique pajamas loungewear gelato pique exclusive gelato pique gift box Gelato Pique exclusive gelato pique 2024 edition Christmas limited gift wrapping with shopper Gelato Pique Item similar to this item Gelato Pique ladies temperature control smooth 8,690 yen gelato Pique Women's Temperature Smooth 10,890 yen Gelato Pique Women's Smooth 2 Bo 7,260 yen Gelato Pique Women's Gelato Random 8,140 yen Gelato Pique Women's Baby Moco Cherrygi 7,920 yen Gelato Pique Women's Washable Sum 8,140 yen Gelato Pique Women's Smooth Card 8,140 yen Gelato Pique Women's Rayon Logo Long T5,390 yen Gelato Pique Women's Inlay Logo Long T5,940 yen Shop Top > Category Top > Roomwear & Pajamas > Tops Gelato Pique Women's Smooth 2 Border Parka Gelato Pique Pajamas Roomwear gelato pique A striped hoodie with a spring-like pastel color. The body fabric is made of a smooth material with a delicate brushed feel, melting texture, and a chewy texture that will make you addictive. The moist and smooth texture blends in with the skin, encouraging a comfortable relaxing time. The slightly thin fabric makes it easy to put on and it is useful for adjusting the temperature during the change of seasons. You can enjoy combining it with shorts and long pants from the same series, or coordinating it with accessories. Items that are very similar to this item Gelato Pique Women's Temperature Smooth 8,690 yen Gelato Pique Women's Temperature Smooth 10,890 yen Gelato Pique Women's Temperature Smooth 2 Baud 7,260 yen Gelato Pique Women's Gelato Random 8,140 yen Recommended items for those who bought this item Gelato Pique exclusive gelato pique 220 yen Gelato Pique Women's Temperature Smooth 2 Baud 7,260 yen Gelato Pique exclusive gelato pique 330 yen
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