Overview Brand: Skater Material: Melamine Capacity: 270 ml Features: Cold, Heat Resin Specifications Size: Diameter 8.6 x Height 9 cm Material: Melamine resin Capacity: 270 ml Country of Origin: China Product Details Lightweight plastic cup, so it is very durable, light and difficult to break, so it can be used safely by children and adults alike. Do not place near a fire. Microwave cannot be used. Usage situations 〇Celebrations, Passing celebrations, Coming of Age Ceremony, Coming of Age Ceremony, Coming of Age Ceremony, Graduation Congratulations, Graduation Congratulations, Graduation Congratulations, School Entrance Celebration, Elementary school, Junior high school, High school, University, Employment celebrations, Working adults, Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Entrance Celebration, Celebration, Celebration, Celebration, Golden wedding anniversary celebrations, Silver wedding anniversary celebrations, Wedding celebrations Wedding celebration Wedding celebration Wedding celebration Wedding celebration Wedding celebration Wedding gift Wedding gift Wedding gift Wedding sweets Baby celebration Baby celebration Baby celebration Baby celebration Baby celebration New house celebration New house celebration New house celebration Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday Seventh Five-San Celebration 753 First Festival Festival Festival Promotion celebration Promotion celebration Inauguration 〇 Petit gift Souvenir Golden Week Golden Week Homecoming souvenir Valentine's Day Valentine's Day White Day White Day Cherry Blossom Viewing Hina Festival Tango no Sekku Children's Day Sweets Sweets Sweets Gift Present Thank you for your help Thank you 〇 Seasonal greetings New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's New Year's Day Mother's Day Father's Day First Bon, Obon, Mid-year gift, Mid-year gift, Higan, Later summer greetings, Respect for the Aged Day, Greetings for the cold, Christmas, Christmas presents, Year-end gifts, Year-end gifts, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Daily gifts, Greetings for hospital discharge, Full recovery celebration, Get well soon gifts, Greetings, Greetings, Moving greetings, House visit celebrations, Gifts, For corporations, Opening celebrations, Shop opening celebrations, Opening celebrations, Opening celebrations, Business opening celebrations, Anniversary, Guests, Tea contracts, Tea contracts, Transfers, Retirement, Retirement, Greetings, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Supplies, Sweets, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts Congratulations to the hospital opening 〇Return gifts Thank you Thank you for giving thanks Thank you for coming back to the hospital 〇Thank you for coming back to the hospital 〇Thank you for coming back to the hospital 〇Thank you for coming back to the hospital 〇Thank you for coming back to the hospital 〇Thank you for your feelings... Thank you, sorry Congratulations to the hospital 〇For those of you like Dad, mother, brother, sister, child, grandma, grandpa, wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, teacher, workplace, senior, junior, colleague, 〇This is what makes you happy Elegant, high-quality, stylish, cute, popular, long-established, recommended 〇Celebrating a long-lived celebration 61 years old 60th birthday celebration 60th birthday celebration 60th birthday celebration 60th birthday celebration 77 years old Kiju Congratulations to the 77th birthday celebration 80 years old Sanju Congratulations to the 88 years old 88th birthday celebration 88th birthday celebration 90 years old Sotsuju celebration 88th birthday celebration 99 years old Hakuju celebration 88th birthday celebration 100 years old Hyakju and Momoju celebration 108 years old Kiju celebration 108 years old Chaju celebration 88 years old Chaju celebration 88 years old Tea celebration Tea celebration Tea celebration Unframed 111 years old Koju 120 years old 60 years old Sekiju 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Sekiju 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Celebration 88 years old Condolences Offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Memorial offerings Annual Memorial Service First anniversary, Third anniversary, Seventh anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Third anniversary, Twenty-seventh anniversary, Set meal fee, Fufu
概要 ブランド: スケーター(Skater) 材質: メラミン 容量: 270 ml 特徴: 保冷, 保温 仕様 サイズ:直径8.6×高さ9cm 素材・材質:メラミン樹脂 容量:270ml 原産国:中国 商品詳細 軽量 プラスチック コップ なのでとっても丈夫、軽くて割れにくいので お子様から大人まで幅広く安心してお使いいただけます 火のそばに置かないでください 電子レンジは使用不可 利用場面 〇祝事 合格祝い 進学内祝い 成人式 御成人御祝 卒業記念品 卒業祝い 御卒業御祝 入学祝い 入学内祝い 小学校 中学校 高校 大学 就職祝い 社会人 幼稚園 入園内祝い 御入園御祝 お祝い 御祝い 内祝い 金婚式御祝 銀婚式御祝 御結婚お祝い ご結婚御祝い 御結婚御祝 結婚祝い 結婚内祝い 結婚式 引き出物 引出物 引き菓子 御出産御祝 ご出産御祝い 出産御祝 出産祝い 出産内祝い 御新築祝 新築御祝 新築内祝い 祝御新築 祝御誕生日 バースデー バースディ バースディー 七五三御祝 753 初節句御祝 節句 昇進祝い 昇格祝い 就任 〇プチギフト お土産 ゴールデンウィーク GW 帰省土産 バレンタインデー バレンタインデイ ホワイトデー ホワイトデイ お花見 ひな祭り 端午の節句 こどもの日 スイーツ スィーツ スウィーツ ギフト プレゼント お世話になりました ありがとう 〇季節のご挨拶 御正月 お正月 御年賀 お年賀 御年始 母の日 父の日 初盆 お盆 御中元 お中元 お彼岸 残暑御見舞 残暑見舞い 敬老の日 寒中お見舞 クリスマス クリスマスプレゼント お歳暮 御歳暮 春夏秋冬 〇日常の贈り物 御見舞 退院祝い 全快祝い 快気祝い 快気内祝い 御挨拶 ごあいさつ 引越しご挨拶 引っ越し お宮参り御祝 志 進物 〇法人向け 御開店祝 開店御祝い 開店お祝い 開店祝い 御開業祝 周年記念 来客 お茶請け 御茶請け 異動 転勤 定年退職 退職 挨拶回り 転職 お餞別 贈答品 粗品 粗菓 おもたせ 菓子折り 手土産 心ばかり 寸志 新歓 歓迎 送迎 新年会 忘年会 二次会 記念品 景品 開院祝い 〇お返し 御礼 お礼 謝礼 御返し お返し お祝い返し 御見舞御礼 〇こんな想いで… ありがとう ごめんね おめでとう 〇こんな方に お父さん お母さん 兄弟 姉妹 子供 おばあちゃん おじいちゃん 奥さん 彼女 旦那さん 彼氏 先生 職場 先輩 後輩 同僚 〇ここが喜ばれてます 上品 上質 高級 おしゃれ 可愛い かわいい 人気 老舗 おすすめ 〇長寿のお祝い 61歳 還暦(かんれき) 還暦御祝い 還暦祝い 祝還暦 華甲(かこう) 70歳 古希(こき) 祝古希 古希御祝 77歳 喜寿(きじゅ) 祝喜寿 喜寿御祝 80歳 傘寿(さんじゅ) 傘寿御祝 祝傘寿 88歳 米寿(べいじゅ) 祝米寿 米寿御祝 90歳 卒寿(そつじゅ) 祝卒寿 卒寿御祝 99歳 白寿(はくじゅ) 白寿御祝 百寿御祝 祝白寿 100歳 百寿(ひゃくじゅ・ももじゅ) 祝百寿 紀寿(きじゅ) 108歳 茶寿(ちゃじゅ) 祝茶寿 茶寿御祝 不枠(ふわく) 111歳 皇寿(こうじゅ) 川寿(せんじゅ) 120歳 大還暦(だいかんれき) 昔寿(せきじゅ) 賀寿 寿 寿福 祝御長寿 〇弔事 御供 お供え物 粗供養 御仏前 御佛前 御霊前 香典返し 法要 仏事 法事 法事引き出物 法事引出物 年回忌法要 一周忌 三回忌 七回忌 十三回忌 十七回忌 二十三回忌 二十七回忌 御膳料 御布施