*Some of this product is a pre-order item. If you order multiple items together with in stock, we will ship them all together once all items are in stock. If you would like to have the item shipped separately, please separate your cart and place your order. [Product Description] This dress is made of floral embroidery that gives an elegant impression with a sheer material. The long length is a mature, feminine look, creating an elegant impression. It is very useful for a wide range of occasions, including weddings and after-party parties, as well as dinner parties and thank-you parties. *Due to the nature of the product, the overlapping sequins and threads may fall off immediately after the product arrives. Lightly drop it with your hands before using. There is no problem with the quality. Size chart (cm) *The measurements will be taken flat by staff and measured using a tape measure. Size: Total length Shoulder width Bust Waist Sleeve length Armhole Cuffs Hem circumference M116359072465022172L117369274485222174XL118379476505422176 *Sizes vary depending on your body type, so please check the size details. Specifications Material Outer material: 100% polyester Lining: 100% polyester Washing instructions *Click here for details on the washing mark Country of origin China Product number d189 Wear details Lining Transparent tulle with parts, lining Slightly stretchable No pockets Weight Approximately 314g Sequins Tulle Lace dress Floral pattern Adult Tulle Total lace 1.5th party Sequins Invitation Dress Invitation Dress Semi-formal Chubby Plus size Big Big Big Long A-line dress A-line A-line dress Occasion dress Occasion dress Occasion dress Flower Flower Floral Small floral Small flowers Upper arm cover Flare Flare dress Flare dress Maxi dress Maxi dress Big silhouette Big size Long Long Dressy Party dress Party Occasion dress Formal dress Dress, stand collar, bottleneck, high waist, high waist, waist, waist, waist, slimming, retro, ruffles, midi dress, see-through, sheer, sheer, sheer, sheer, sheer, lining, with drape, smooth, luxurious, loose, simple, neat, pretty, high-looking, high-quality, elegant, long dress, long dress, long dress, long dress, formal dress, formal dress, formal dress, candy sleeves, long sleeves, flare sleeves, 9/4 sleeves, 9/9 9/9 sleeves, style up, midi length, medium length, knee dress, medium length dress, medium length dress, layered, layered, layered outfit, body cover, large size, big silhouette, big size, oversized, over tall length, tall tall size Tall 170cm Slim-wearing Large Large Large Free Size Free S M L LL 2L XL 3L XXL LLL Loose size Easy to move Easy to move Wedding Reception Thank You Party Ceremony Recitals Concert Coming of Age Ceremony Reunion Lunch Date Outing Resort Travel Airplane Casual Adult Casual Basic Office Office Casual Telework Remote Work Remote Online Drinking Party Home Time Home Time Mixed Wear Mother's Day Present Gift Christmas Adult Adult Casual Adult Women Beautiful Beautiful Eyes Beautiful Women Fashion 20s 30s 40s 50s Stylish Fashionable Fashionable Cute Cute Cute Cute Cool Cool Cool Champagne Beige Champagne Black Black Black Black Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter HUG.U HUGU Prices may change without notice when a sale is being held. Size: M Length: 116cm Shoulder width: 35cm Bust: 90cm Waist: 72cm Sleeve length: 46cm Armhole: 50cm Cuff circumference: 22cm Hem circumference: 172cm Size: L Length: 117cm Shoulder width: 36cm Bust: 92cm Waist: 74cm Sleeve length: 48cm Armhole: 52cm Cuff circumference: 22cm Hem circumference: 174cm Size: XL Length: 118cm Shoulder width: 37cm Bust: 94cm Waist: 76cm Sleeve length: 50cm Armhole: 54cm Cuff circumference: 22cm Hem circumference: 176cm *The models wearing the model may be out of stock, discontinued, or broken links.
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